Photo by Rita on Unsplash

The entire world is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, destined to be united under adversity. 

Despite warnings for years and cries for preparedness, most governments and businesses have been caught off-guard and are only now scrambling to respond and to make sense of this utterly insane situation we’re all in. There are guidelines but no rules; and there is even less knowledge with which to predict what the near-term, mid-term or long-term will look like.

While most countries and companies have shifted, finally, to remote working; and despite the growing number of gig economy workers already operating around the world, the vast majority of businesses are inexperienced at the realities and challenges of managing both a remote workforce and a remote, unsteady client/customer base who themselves are in a fog or panic about what to do, what to focus on, what to continuing doing & what to discontinue doing, what or how to plan for a very unclear tomorrow. 

As a crisis and critical event response business that from its start has operated a highly flexible model with trusted experts working remotely around the world, and as an entrepreneur with as much interim corporate executive experience rescuing and turning around companies commercially as helping or rescuing them and their people during a crisis or critical event, I am sympathetic to the immense challenges facing (particularly) small to medium sized businesses that don’t have the resilience capacity of the larger global corporates.

To that end, Halo Global Response are offering interim managers and remote activity-based specialists with sets of very specific skills and versed in not only working remotely and serving clients remotely but in operating in chaotic and hostile environments. Please reach out and ask what we can do to help your business on an interim or task-based basis to gap fill or to provide temporary replacement of certain management roles that may be affected by the pandemic or just for the advice how to hand a certain situation you may be facing. We will adapt to your needs and will work collaboratively on creating a pricing that is fair, doable and equitable for all parties.

For interim or activity-based services during the pandemic, we have specialists in the following relevant areas:

  1. crisis communications, strategic communications, internal & external communications
  2. strategic sales & marketing, particularly new market/channel advice & assistance, negotiations
  3. negotiations: creditors, debtors, partners, dispute resolution, commercial, crisis
  4. asset tracing & recovery
  5. fraud investigations and fraud response 
  6. managing supply chain critical challenges
  7. investigators
  8. due diligence: pre-deal, KYC, pre-employment, etc.
  9. hr related issues, particularly those related to conflicts, tensions, mental health, insider threats, workplace safety matters, etc.
  10. interim Chief Security Officers
  11. cyber security response
  12. executive coaching

Please reach out for a confidential discussion on what we can possibly do to help your business during this unsettling time. Feel free to contact me directly on LinkedIn or via our website:

Stay healthy! Stay strong! We must come together as a society to help one another through this. We have an opportunity to come out of this a better world, a better people and a better planet.

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